How to Calculate Zipper Length

Zipper is one of the common item in garments industry. Zipper teeth are usually made of brass, aluminum, plastic or nylon which do not shrink when washed. Therefore, the zipper tapes must be made of materials which do not shrink when washed otherwise the shrinkage will make the zipper fail to function. In most cases, the zipper tapes are made of nylon or polyester which do not shrink and are colorfast. 
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Zipper Length calculation for Garments

Zipper measurement calculation is the most important part for garments merchandiser. So, garments merchandiser should more careful to calculate zipper measurement for bulk production. However, zipper calculation is very easy but sometimes it becomes a matter of big trouble for us. Zipper depends on fabrics and zipper properties. So, we need to take some idea about the body fabric shrinkage and zipper tape. Today we will discuss about the front long zipper of sweat shirt and hoodies or as like that. 

Zipper Calculation: 

Let’s check out, how to find out zipper measurement by using formulas;
  • If the garments body length measure from HPS, then
Formula: Body length - (Front neck drop + Back neck drop ) - (2 to 3 %) 

Suppose, A sweat shirt has body length 70 cm, front neck drop 7 cm and back neck drop is - 3 cm, Now find out the zipper length?

Solution: Body length - (Front neck drop + Back neck drop ) - 2 to 3%
              = 70 - ( 7 + 3 ) - 2%
              = 58.8 cm = 58.5 cm 
Finally, we got the result, we need zipper length 58.5 cm 

  • If the garments body length measure from CB, then formula will be;
Formula: (Body length - Front neck drop) - (2 to 3 %)

Suppose, a hoodie has body length 67 cm, front neck drop 6 cm. Now find out the zipper length ?

Solution: (Body length - Front neck drop) - 2 %
              = (67 - 6) - 2% 
              = 59.78 cm = 59.5 cm 

Finally, we have got the result, we will use zipper length 59.5 cm 
  • If the garments have high neck and zipper goes up to high neck drop from bottom. 
Formula: (Body length - Front neck drop) - (2 to 3 %) + Height of high neck 

Suppose, A hoodie garments has body length 68 cm, front neck drop 6 cm, height of high neck 5 cm. Now find out he zipper length?

Solution: (Body length - Front neck drop ) - 2 % + Height high neck
              = (68 - 6 ) - 2% + 5 
              = 65.76 cm = 65.50 cm

Finally we have got the result, we will use zipper length 65.5 cm 

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