Hooded Sweat Shirt fabric consumption system

In apparel industry, Sweat Shirt or Hoodie is the common items. As we know, consumption is the most important part for an order and it’s also related with costing. Our main purpose is to minimize the cost and make more profit from an order. There are two methods to determine the fabric consumption. They are-
  1. Marker planning system
  2. Mathematical system
Now maximum garments industry is using marker planning method for determining final cad marker of an order. Actually this method is more helpful then mathematical method. If you want to gather more information regarding fabric consumption, then you can check below article;

Hoodie sweat shirt, purple hoodie sweat shirt, fence terry sweat shirt
Hoodie Sweat Shirt

Fabric consumption for different parts:
  1. Fabric consumption for Body
  2. Fabric consumption for Hood
  3. Fabric consumption for Bottom Rib
  4. Fabric consumption for pocket
  5. Total fabric consumption
Spec sheet for men’s Jacket:
hoodie m-list back, measurement sheet for hoodie sweat shirt
Hoodie Measurement Back
hoodie m-list front, measurement sheet hoodie sweat shirt
Hoodie Measurement Front
Size range 134/140146/152158/164170
1. Half chest (1/2 chest)37.75 cm40.75 cm43.75 cm45.25 cm
2. Half bottom length (1/2 bottom)35 cm38 cm41 cm42.5 cm
4. Body length from shoulder (BL)47 cm51 cm55 cm57 cm
10. Sleeve length (SL)53 cm57 cm62 cm64 cm
21. Hood height 31 cm32 cm 33 cm 33.5 cm
22. Half Hood Width23.5 cm 24.5 cm25.75 cm26.5 cm
13. ½ Cuff opening8.5 cm9 cm 9.5 cm9.5 cm
3. Cuff & Bottom Rib Height4 cm4 cm 4cm 4cm
19. Pocket Length14 cm 15 cm16 cm16.5 cm
16. Pocket Width15 cm16 cm17 cm17.5 cm

Fabric: Fleece fabric
Item: Basic men’s Hooded sweat shirt
Size: 158/164
Fabric weight = 240 GSM
BL = Body length from shoulder = 55 cm
SA = Seam Allowance = 5 cm
SL = Sleeve length = 62 cm
SA = Seam allowance = 5 cm
½ Chest = 43.75 cm
SA= Seam allowance = 4 cm

Fabric consumption for Body / Doz.:
{(BL + SA + SL + SA) x (1/2 chest + SA)} x 2 x GSM / 100,00,000 + 8% (Wastage and extra cutting) x Doz.
= {(55 + 5 + 62 + 5) x (43.75 + 4)} x 2 x 240 / 100,00,000 + 8% x 12
= 3.77 kg / Doz.

Fabric consumption for Hood / Doz.:
{(Hood Height + SA) x (1/2 Hood Width + SA)} x 2 x GSM / 100,00,000 + 8% (Wastage and extra cutting) x Doz.
= {(33 + 5) x (25.75 + 4)} x 2 x 240 / 100,00,000 + 8% x 12
= 0.703 kg / Doz.

Fabric consumption for Bottom Rib / Doz.:
{(Bottom Length + SA + ½ Cuff opening + SA) x (Bottom Rib height + SA)} x 2 x GSM / 100,00,000 + 8% (Wastage and extra cutting) x Doz.
= {(41 + 5 + 19 + 4) x (4 + 3)} x 2 x 240 / 100,00,000 + 8% x 12
= 0.300 kg / Doz.

Fabric consumption for pocket / Doz. (If fabric Single jersey then use GSM like 150):
{(Pocket Length + SA) x (Pocket Width + SA)} x 2 x GSM / 100,00,000 + 8% (Wastage and extra cutting) x Doz.
= {(16 + 4) x (17 + 4)} x 2 x 150 / 100,00,000 + 8% x 12
= 0.163 kg / Doz.

Fabric consumption for pocket / Doz. (If shell fabric then uses GSM like 240):
{(Pocket Length + SA) x (Pocket Width + SA)} x 2 x GSM / 100,00,000 + 8% (Wastage and extra cutting) x Doz.
= {(16 + 4) x (17 + 4)} x 2 x 240 / 100,00,000 + 8% x 12
= 0.261 kg / Doz.

Total fabric consumption (if Pocket single jersey):
Body consumption + Hood consumption + Bottom Rib consumption + Pocket consumption
= 3.77 + 0.703 + 0.30 + 0.163
= 4.936 kg / Doz.

Total fabric consumption (if Pocket shell fabric):
Body consumption + Hood consumption + Bottom Rib consumption + Pocket consumption
= 3.77 + 0.703 + 0.30 + 0.261
= 5.036 kg / Doz.

Finally note that, using above formula we will get only fabric weight that is consumed by a garment. In the above formula, it didn’t include marker loss, fabric loss due to fabric width and fabric wastage (like dying loss, finishing loss etc.). When we purchase fabric we have to consider all of those parameter.

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