The “Garment Marketing” is known to the persons specially
involved in garments trade. The marketing has been derived from the market. As
a noun market means an open place or a building where peoples meet to buy and
sell any goods. And as a verb market means selling any product of a company to
the customers by advertising, presenting or by any person or representative.
The term “Garment Marketing” may be defined as: The art of selling any garment
product of a company to the buyers by advertising, presenting or by any person
or representative in the best possible way is called garment marketing.
Another way we can say the process of getting buyers and
sellers together to exchange ownership of goods. Activities of marketing is to
create the relationship among the customers and attract the new people to the
product. We introduce the product and its company to the buyers through
marketing and take the consent of buyers for buying our merchandise.
Marketing may be divided into two classes:
- Marketing is done by
- Marketing is done by some
The assign of marketing is to meet the domestic customer’s
demands and is to meet the overseas customers’ demands. Now a days marketing is
being used in comprehensive meaning.
The demand of marketing is going to be increased day by day.
Garments marketing are conducted by two ways;
- Some marketing’s are
conducted by buying house
- Some marketing’s are
conducted directly by readymade garments industries.
Marketing of these readymade garments are performed on three
following conditions and basis;
- And CIF