How to calculate embroidery costing

In present day, embroidery is common term in apparel industry. Embroidery used to make garments more attractive and fashionable. Now it has come more popular and widely in garments manufacturing sector. In other way, we can say embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread.
embroidery costing, calcualtion of embroidery, garment embroidery costing and cosnumption
Embroidery costing for garments
Costing of embroidery are based on a “Per stitch” count. After prepared the design, producer will run a stitch count to determine the cost of the embroider. Before starting the costing, garments merchandiser should consider of few factors to determine embroidery costing. Factors are:
  • Stitch number.
  • Embroidery type
  • Estimate time to complete one batch. 
  • Color of thread.
  • Cutting of applique.
  • Place of embroidery.
  • Resource involves in doing embroidery. 
  • Any restriction on selection on embroidery machine
  • Any lab test requirement
  • Any restriction on use of embroidery thread

Calculating Embroidery costing:

We know embroidery stitch unit is 12000 stitch but maximum time embroidery factory didn't accept any order on stitch. Because applique, patch etc. has taken too much time that's why embroidery factor doesn't know actual how much time consumed to complete one batch. 

1-unit embroidery = 12,000 stitch

For calculating, the cost of embroidery we need to know below details:
  • Stitch quantity of  the design.
  • Rate of per unite. (It depends on embroidery design, size & factories ability).     
Suppose, a design have 9000 stitch & per unite price is $0.30 in unit. Let's find the the costing of embroidery. 

Rules: (Rate of Unit / 12,000 X Stitch quantity) x 12
        = ($0.30 / 12,000 X 9000) X 12
        = $ 2.7 / dzn

So, 2.7 USD need for 1 dzn garments if garments design has 9000 stitch. 

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